First kiss

How would your first kiss be like?

A lighting drab minimal touch to the lips and then shying away hiding a blush.

Or have a stimulating conversation where you lean in deeper, deeper and deeper until while amidst talking your lips accidently touch theirs for a very minute smooth minute and area. You refrain and look down pretending it was an accident but you totally wanted it. Then you see the exact same look in your partner’s eyes and know he/she was pulling the same trick.

Or maybe you are a boy and you always dreamt of making the first move because you want to make her feel special. But your girl takes the lean and you tilt your head in the opposite side so that you don’t ruin the script you wrote for your love story. So she is there lying embarrassed and shy wondering why she made the first move but then you storm in and surprise her by grabbing her cheeks and making a pout out of her lips and sticking your pout to her pout and now she can only smile with her eyes.

Or the butterfly Kiss. Where instead of a French kiss you hold your head out straight and look straight into her eyes while your lips are conjoined. Oh believe me where eyebrows kisses the eyebrows of your partners its more intimating than a lip kiss. And it is only when you stare into eyes while kissing that you know that eyes are enough to express all emotions.

Sometimes you might be one of those few special beings who might be laughing or celebrating something with someone you don’t know you are in love in and then end up kissing each other out of nowhere. Then you pop out and just give a cold look thinking what the hell did you just do? But you did it and now you know that you were in love with him/her so kiss again.

Or maybe you love commitments and so you accumulate all your passion till the day you propose and then just unleash it on him/her.

Or maybe you not into commitments but you were just holding yourself back for some issues. But when it is sorted out so you just to your partners place and don’t speak a word to him/her or anyone else because you cannot think anything else apart from finally kissing him/her. Then you just unleash it in your love so hard that you kiss and kiss and only detach because you ran out of air and then kiss again till you complete the process which ends with cuddling in bed to sleep.



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