Our Idea of God and hence our idea of life

Our attitude towards God tells us everything about our psychology. Everything. Our acts towards god, or idea of god, our love or hate for god tells the kind of person we are.

Compulsive blind worshippers. Those who think they are important and deserve more than others. Narcissistic in a sense. Who think out of everyone else praying, it’s their prayers god will answer. If you find out, go straight and tell them this point that why would god give you more preference than the rest it will actually strike them and then the will try to increase their worth by doing a kind of worship other people might not be able to do. Offering gold and money. Meaningless tolerance to physical pain. Choosing not to drink or smoke. Choosing to be vegetarian. Choosing not to engage in sexual activities. Choosing to engage in a routine some baba told and since it’s different from other activities it might make you unique. But you refrain from helping the poor with food because that’s someone anything can do and plus it might not give you something in return. Offering something to an idol might give you something materialistic back in return.

 And if you don’t get something back in return and life all of a sudden decks towards the hard side. You lose your faith in god. You only believe in the God who is capable of giving you something materialistic and most of all power. God is a symbol of power for a general mass and they want him to be generous because a generous element with power can be manipulated into using his powers for his own will. That’s why we bow down, maintain like discipline and treat us like slaves towards god because that is what we would expect our worshippers to do if we were seated in a chair of high power. We treat God in the similar way we would treat ourselves if we rose to the position we aim for. Aims that don’t deserve to be fulfilled at all. And if at some point of time our promises our broken; the faith swings from one God to another quicker than the direction of the wind.

And who are those who don’t believe in God. Ones who simply don’t like life. Nihilists who know they are incapable of achieving anything in the world be it the simplest of pleasures and have woven out complex philosophies and theories in a conspiracy to hide the simple lie that they are lazy, scared and don’t wish to work.

Yet there are some people who were given all the qualities by god and sent as angels whose memories were taken away before they were born on earth. They are all angels but they don’t know it. You can see it in the way they talk, walk and choose to live. They also inspire you to live and have their own meaning and faith of god regardless of the knowledge of a 1000 centuries. God is true and he is inherent. How can the beauty of the world and people make someone choose not to believe in God.

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