Everyone wants to be happy and yet few are able to experience this feeling. Happiness seems to be the pursuit of mankind and yet it persistently eludes(escapes) human beings. Some people concentrate their energies and spend most of their time earning money and piling up a fortune. They believe that it will give them happiness but after they have acquired a fortune by several years of working hard they realize that they were mistaken. The heap of wealth does not give them happiness , though it may give them comforts. If its  all wealth only adds worries to their life, makes their lives intense which in turn affect their lives badly. 

Saints seek happiness in spirituality. Hippies strive for happiness in sex, drinks, Marijuana etc. They wish to escape the problem ridden world into a world of intoxicated dreams in order to be happy at least for a few hours. But few know the secret of happiness. It is LOVE ; Love in all its implications; Love between lover and the beloved, between children and parents, brother and sister, man and almighty GOD. Love is the container of all happiness, if only it is practiced without any selfish motive. Love fills a person with noble feelings compassion, sacrifice, sympathy, understanding, welfare of the beloved at one's own cost tenderness and sweetness. A lover is forever ready to lay down even his life, if an occasion arises for his beloved. He values the objective of his love more than his life. If in any event he is not able to get his beloved in marriage, he does not wish her ill. On the contrary, he parts from her, though sadly but wishes for happiness in her life. A mother's love for her children is something which mere words cannot define it is beyond infinity, it is an inseparable bond of love. She is always ready to sacrifice everything for her children her, comforts her luxuries everything for her children. Love between friends makes the bond of friendship stronger. None of the friend thinks of betraying other. True friend=ship is untainted by any selfish motives, because it rests upon this beautiful and mesmerizing feeling of love. Christ, Buddha and Guru Nanak shares the agony of the others and felt sorry for the suffering humanity and worked for the welfare, happiness and for the love of all. Love is an attribute that turn human being into a saint.

Love is that vital part of our life which if separated from us can turn our life into havocs. History reveals that people who did not receive love in their childhood, in adolescent years hardened them into ruthless power seekers. Lack of love in child's life can play havoc with his personality and mental make up. It can either lead him towards self centered suicidal thoughts or put him on the track of cruelty towards other human beings. Therefore lack of love makes not only the life of that particular child unhappy but also hellish and bitter it also breeds further unhappiness in the life which when growing up turn them into ruthless people.

Love alone can alleviate many ills of the society and is undoubtedly the BASIS OF LIFE. Extended to international sphere if the nations of the world practiced this wonderful principle there would be no Wars, no larger scale massacres, no Terrorist attacks, no Killings, no widespread destruction.

Love life and love others. Live on the words of Bible ,"He who Loves is twice blessed." which means he who makes the other person happy by loving, also himself feels happy for having loved.

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