Technology Trends that will dominate 2018

Elon Musk’s successful SpaceX mission of launching a car into the space kickstarted 2018 with a technical enthusiasm. We can experience the ever growing impact of technology and our dependency upon the gadgets. Computers, touch screen devices, mobile communication have become the talks of old days. Today, we are fascinated by new and latest technology such as the driverless car, robots and numerous astonishing milestones that are set almost everyday.

2018 is going to be the year when the new technologies such as the blockchain, augmented reality, machine learning, internet of things, AI and deep learning will expand their hold and we will see their domination in our day to day life.

How the latest technologies will be explored and how they will be useful to us? Let us see the groundbreaking tech trends in 2018.


Nowadays, whenever the topic of latest technology or the most revolutionary technology is being discussed, the first thing that crosses our mind and comes out of almost every mouth is artificial intelligence. This technical term suddenly became a buzzword when Google demonstrated it’s prototype of the driverless car a few years ago. After that, enthusiasts dived into this field and started utilising it wherever they can. According to stats, there has been 14 times increase in the startups that have artificial intelligence as their domain. We can see the presence of AI in our devices when we get the ‘recommended for you’ option in the youtube or the newsfeed on facebook, instagram and the ads that we see on Google. All this is just the basic glimpse of AI. AI powered driving cars are used for transportation (can be seen in silicon valley). It is the most revolutionary technology till date.


Last year, one of the most trending tech term was ‘Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies’. Ever thought was is the backbone of Bitcoin? Well, the answer to this question is – Blockchain. Along with bitcoins, the tech geeks researched and dived deeper into blockchain and found out that it has applications keeping aside only the bitcoins. Blockchain can be defined by breaking it into two words namely ‘block’ which is a growing list of records which are cryptographically linked together. This technology helped to be a public ledger for all the transactions. A common misconception is confusing blockchain with bitcoin. The cryptocurrency is based upon the principal of decentralisation which is known as the blockchain governace paradox. This is seen as a pro as well as a con. Let’s see what happens in the coming year.


This is another ground breaking technology which is making our lives easier. In very simple words, internet of things can be described as the connectivity of the electronic devices via internet which can be operated and control from far away and with the use of edge computing they adjust and operate themselves by intelligent methods. Basically, edge computing gives them the power to analyse and makes them more intelligent and learn user behaviour easily.


With the downfall of reality, a more practical and useful domain came into the techno world – Augmented Reality. AR is the physical view of anything that can be experienced by certain wearable headgears and gadgets. Some well known gadgets of AR are the Hololens and Oculus. This technology is currently used in gaming and educational purposes. By the end of 2018 it is expected that AR will spread rapidly and will be one of the most dominating tech of the year.

These were the most innovative technologies that will remain a buzzword and dominate throughout the year. Apart from these, there are many more which will rise in 2018 and will help in building a more advanced future.

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