The world’s largest search engine ‘Google’ has its birthday today and is 18years of now. Google is on the topmost in the world of internet. In spite of this people do not know much about it. On the other hand, if we talk about Facebook, everyone knows the name of its founder ‘Mark Zuckerberg’. But hardly anyone knows about the founder of Google who is ‘Larry Page’ and ‘Sergey Brin’.

1. Google earn lakhs every second.

Google earns around 9,30,900 every second and has more than 70 offices in 40 nations. It’s one of the biggest achievements of Google. Google has purchased 827 companies in 12 years. Now you can make account of the impact and popularity of this search engine google.

2. Google has more than 41,70,00 workers working in it.

Google has more than 41,70,00 workers working here. But its employees has become billionaires till now. Nobody can tell you the exact income of google but its near about $50,00,00,00,00,000,000,000,000,000 dollar

3. Goats cut grass not the machines

Android operating system is a gift from Google only. But do you know that among 5 phones 4 smartphones work on this android operating system? Google has kept around 20,000 goats in its head office to cut the grass. Yes, its true, Google has kept goats in its offices lawn instead of machines because machines create pollution and noise which is disturbing for the workers working there so it has kept goats. Every week more than 2,20,000 people apply for a job in Google and more than 95% of its income comes from the advertisements which it advertises.

4. What’s the secret behind the word ‘Google’

You all must have thought from where this word Google came from? Actually, if we put 100 zeros behind 1 the number which is formed is known as “googol” and from this word only ‘google’’ is formed. Why didn’t it was named as googol? This is because “google” this name is a spelling mistake. On typing googol, it was typed google and the result is in front of you.

5. Google purchased you tube in 2006

Google purchased youtube in 2006 and at that time many people thought it as the biggest mistake of google. Today youtube is the world’s largest viewing channel which is seen by people 7 hours ever day. Google has more than 60,000 searches every second. After 2010 Google has purchased one company every week. Google has taken photographs of 80 lakh 44 thousand kilometres road for its street view map. The search engine of Google is 100 million gigabyte. Google has named its android operating system in order of ABCD which is cupcake, donut, éclair ,froyo, gingerbread, honeycomb, ice cream sandwich, jelly bean, KitKat, lollipop, and marshmallow. Yahoo tried to purchase Google at one million dollars but it couldn’t happen. When Google was launched at that time its founder doesn’t have the knowledge of HTML code. That’s why he kept the homepage of Google very simple and now to it’s simple. In 2005 Google launched apps like Google map and Google earth. These apps have features which can give you an account of the whole world in few minutes. Also, its reach is now till the moon. “don’t be evil” this is the unofficial slogan of Google.

Google’s homepage has 88 languages in it which can be used efficiently. Nickname of Google is “backrub”.

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