All About Summer And Its Foods !!

Come summer and it becomes difficult to avoid the heat ,sweat, stickiness and fatigue that comes with exposing oneself to the warm sun. However it is possible to decrease the effects of heat by eating the magical "cool foods" that help in lowering body temperature.

These foods include watermelons, cucumbers, apples, and leafy green veggies that help us in lowering lower body temperature. Apart from consuming the mentioned foods there is a need to avoid or reduce intake of spicy or heavy foods. Reducing the intake of alcoholic drinks is also advisable as it can prevent body temperature from rising.

Fruits and vegetables such as watermelon and cucumbers that are rich in water content help in increasing the essential fluid intake to keep our bodies cool. Other  foods which have high water content and the most suitable for consumption during summers are melons, apricots, grapes, pineapples, peaches, apples, zucchini, asparagus, green beans, broccoli, and leafy greens.

Herbs are also recommended during summers to reduce body heat like…. chamomile, rosemary, parsley, and ginger which aid in cooling the body down. Adding herbs in summer drinks with coconut water and buttermilk is awesome as both are natural cooling agents. Make sure you also include fruit juices in your diet, they definitely are a good choice. Another thing to remember is that you avoid the outdoors during the hottest part of the day in order to prevent overheating.



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